1)The author of the book ``Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’’?

2)Which peculiarity of the finches in Galapagos Islands attracted Darwin?

3)The gas which was absent in primitive earth:

4)The situation that leads organisms to the struggle for existence:

5)Find the wrong statement that are related to fossils.

6)Which of the following is not included in the family Hominoidea?

7)Find the contemporary to modern man from the following.

8)Difference from the amino acids in the β chain of haemoglobin in man and rat.

9)The chemical reactions takes place in bacteria and man are controlled by:

10)The theory of the ‘‘Inheritance of the acquired characters’’ was proposed by:

11)Which of the following is not included in the stages of Natural Selection?

12)The changes that occur in genes are:

13)Which organism belongs to cercopithecoidea?

14)Which is the correct pair?

15)Most primitive member of the human race:

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