1)The RNA that are seen associated with ribosomes:

2)The nitrogen base absent in RNA is:

3)Where does the protein synthesised by adding different amino acids?

4)The process by which chromosomes pair and exchange their parts during initial phase of meiosis:

5)A nucleotide contains:

6)The base pairs in DNA are:

7)Father of Genetics is:

8)Mendel’s monohybrid ratio is:

9)The features seen in offsprings that are different from parents are called:

10)The number of somatic chromosomes in man are:

11)Which of the following is not a reason for mutation?

12)The disorder of gene in chromosome number 14 is responsible for:

13)The pigment protein which imparts colour to the skin:

14)The disease which causes the disorder of gene 11.

15)The number of sex determining chromosomes in human:

16)The RNA which brings different kinds of amino acids to ribosome:

17)The nitrogen base only present in RNA.

18)The scientists James Watson and Francis Crick presented the double helical model of DNA in:

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